Sunday, March 18, 2012

core77 Design Blog & Website

Jeff Tiedeken's "Gravity Bike" featured at core77
core77 is a popular, long-running site dedicated to the needs and interests of industrial and graphics designers. If you are an industrial designer or graphics designer, definitely bookmark this site, and check in  on their blog from time to time... lots of useful information there about industry events, design schools, and job openings. Lots of feature articles and blog posts about cool products and concepts from around the world.

A core77 blog post about this very minimalist downhill street bike by California aerospace welder and craftsman, Jeff Tiedeken really caught our eye. It's a coaster in the real sense of the word... no crank and gear set, strictly gravity-powered! While you're at it, check out Jeff's blog about his adventures in design and fabrication, Monkey Likes Shiny.

Update:  We just did another design-related post feature the Derestricted website and blog. Some really great content there.


  1. Great work done. I really appreciate the author for spending time on this blog and make it attractive.
    Mechanical Engineering Companies

  2. Thank you much! I see you guys are down there in IDEO country.

  3. Just an update to let you know that we did a post featuring the Uncharted Play Soccket power generating soccer ball that Focus PDM worked on. Here's the link:

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
